15 yo gymnast young gentleman with rapidly progressive congenital scoliosis fixed this morning

Just finished surgery to straighten up Trey, a 15 yo gymnast, who has had a rapidly progressive left thoracic curve over this past year, going from 26 to 41 degrees.  He also has a pectus, which may be related.

His surgery today went very well.  I did special 3D preoperative CT analysis, as well as intraoperative BrainLab 3D Navigation to help with his complex anatomy.  Surgical time was a little over 4 hours.  Estimated blood loss 900 cc.  No complications.  Got a really nice correction.

Family was very happy and wanted me to share this with all of you.  We’ll be getting him back to sports as soon as he feels able.

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

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