24 yo Stephanie tells her story: pain-free and enjoying new posture and life after revision adolescent idiopathic scoliosis surgery

After, and before revision scoliosis surgery with Dr. Lloyd Hey
I was originally diagnosed with scoliosis when I was 13. I was never braced–just given all forms of physical therapy, pain meds, etc. Finally by the time I was 18–my curve had gotten much worse and I was in terrible pain. I was playing golf in college–but was in so much pain I had to drop out of a tournament in the middle of a round. I knew then I could not live like this anymore. After my first surgery–my back was considerably straighter–but I still had a hump (from the kyphosis I was yet to be diagnosed with). The pain was much better–but I still had some rough days.

Less than five years after my first surgery–I was walking around the bank (where I work) and all of the sudden I felt this awful pain in my back and heard a sound that sounded like a gun shot. It was terrifying. I immediately was in tears—I was in unbearable pain. I called my doctor and drove there immediately. They did X-rays and discovered that two of my rods had broken….

I really never thought the day would come when I would be totally pain free with a straight, flat back. I couldn’t even imagine this ever happening–all I wanted was for the broken rods to be fixed. Every day was a struggle since I had both of my rods break. I couldn’t sit, stand, or even lay down comfortably. I became dependent on pain meds to help me sleep and get comfortable–but those barely even touched the pain. I could feel my lower rod protruding through my skin–and each day it seemed to be sticking out more. The surgeon who did my original surgery gave me lots of pain meds and shots. He didn’t seem to think the rod needed to be surgically fixed. I was beginning to lose all hope.

After a few months of suffering with the broken rod–I decided to start looking for other scoliosis specialists within the state for a second opinion. On a Sunday afternoon I just happened to come across Dr. Hey’s website. I could not believe all of the success stories and before and after pictures. My “after picture” looked NOTHING like the ones he had on his website. I decided to put in a request asking for someone to contact me. I knew this would probably take a while. Later that afternoon–my phone rang and Dr. Hey himself contacted me about my request! I could not even believe it! He scheduled me an appointment the very next morning (which happened to be Columbus Day–so I was off work). This all seemed too good to be true. When I arrived at his office–the girl told me he didn’t have any available appointments for months. It was amazing to me that he would fit me in his busy schedule like he did. He took X-rays and diagnosed me with Kyphosis–which is probably what led to my original rods breaking. He confidently told me he could fix my scoliosis and kyphosis and give me a stronger construct which would lead to a flatter, straighter back.

Forward to after my surgery—I had an amazing experience at the Duke Raleigh Hospital with Dr. Hey’s Team–everyone was so amazing! As soon as I woke up from my surgery-Dr. Hey handed me a picture of my X-rays–I could not even believe it–my back was completely straight!

Me, last weekend with my new posture.

Six months later and I am completely PAIN FREE. It is amazing. I am 2 inches taller, my back is straight and flat. I feel like a whole new person! I can do everything I ever wanted to do without pain! It is absolutely unbelievable. Dr. Hey and the Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery was a true answer to prayer. I cannot even express how blessed I am to be able to live my life pain free! I just hope other people are able to find Dr. Hey who have had failed surgeries who believe that there is really no hope to being fixed and pain free—when there definitely is!!! 

We love stories from our patients that let you see the compassionate, excellent care you will receive as part of our care family. 

Check out our other successful revisions-
Contact us at http://www.heyclinic.com for an easy appointment request.
We would be happy to serve you and your family with a thorough second opinion about possible scoliosis bracing, surgery, or revision kyphosis, spondylolisthesis or scoliosis surgery for your child, adolescent or adult loved one.

Our guests tell us that we make it worth your trip!
Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

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