27 yo woman from Philadelphia with 80 degree preop Scheuermann’s Kyphosis now straight

Just finished Amanda’s surgery, and she did great.  She’s a 27 yo woman from Philadelphia, PA with painful kyphosis greatly affecting her quality of life for many years.

Her surgery today went great.  T3-L3 instrumentation and fusion.
Estimated Blood Loss:  400 cc.  Cell saver 110 cc.  Blood Transfused: None.
Complications: None.
Correction: really nice.
Surgical time: 3 hrs 20 minutes.

 You can see in the picture above the dramatic difference to her side profile, just before and after surgery, correcting her large kyphosis now down to normal range.  X-Ray before and after shown on the right side.

Had two physical therapy students from Rochester, NY observing today named Kara ant Tony who enjoyed the learning with the Room 12 Team here at Duke Raleigh Hospital.

Time to go talk to the family and see our next patient for surgery this afternoon.

Hope you are all well.

Dr. Lloyd Hey

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