Laney 6 weeks postop from Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Surgery Doing Well

 I just saw Laney and her mom and dad back for 6 week follow-up doing really well.  Check out the scoliosis surgery journey story her dad wrote, and I shared a few weeks ago.   She went back to school a little more than 2 weeks, and is all caught up on her school work.  She is an inch or two taller, and very happy with her new posture. She can return to sports as soon as she would like now.  Her X-Rays from today look really good, and you can see how her “hour glass” figure has been returned to normal (trunk shift), which now decreases the loads on the lower back.  On physical examination, her right rib hump is gone, and incision looks great.

Her family brought us wonderful cookies x 2 boxes – one box for us, and one box for the nurses and staff over at Duke Raleigh Hospital they are heading over to visit right now.  Their family also made a donation to the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle, and gave us the nice card below:  “Thank you so much for the hope and healing for Laney – as well as our family!”

This looks like a good non-profit to support.  They work with local restaurants to take leftover food to the hungry, and actually have a “back pack program” to help provide weekend meals to needy kids in school to bring home for food over the weekend.  Will check this out.

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