14 yo young man w 41 degree adolescent idiopathic scoliosis fixed this am

Surgical time: 2 hr 45 min.
T6-L3 instrumentation and fusion.
Ebl: 600 cc.
Blood transfused: none.
Complications: none.
Correction: quite good!

  1. Reply

    ….oh and I forgot. I'm astonished to see the duration time of the surgery!! On average about 3 hours? And I've read in some of the entries that the patient was released after 2 days?? I had a double-curve scoliosis of about 50 deg. (both curves),…and the operation during which they fixed ONLY the upper curve took almost 8 hours! And I stayed in the hospital for 2 weeks. How come there's such big difference between the way the surgery is done in Europe and in US? I start to think we're leaving behind sooo much! 😀

  2. Reply

    I was looking for a blog about scoliosis and came across this one! The corrections of the curves after the surgery are impressive! I had had a surgery myself 5 years ago here in Europe but it seems that you've been doing much better job there in US. Great blog! Also it shows your really open and friendly attitude to patients…nice to see that there are doctors like that out there. 😉

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