Encouraging letter we received today from mom of two adolescent idopathic scoliosis patients who had surgery with us recently with severe curves

By Pamela B. – 8/27/2010

I have been wanting to write  this letter for a long time but words, at times, does not seem to express how grateful and thankful that God has used Dr. Hey for His purpose and mission to bless people, like my children, for the gift he has given us.  Let me just say that Dr. Hey has operated on both of my kids.

Derek, 17 years old, was complaining about back pain and he also stated that he had problems running.  When Derek first visited Dr. Hey in June 2008, his curve measured at 64 degrees; his right shoulder was higher than the left with the scapula more prominent than the left.    After a family discussion, we decided it was best for Derek to have surgery.  This was a hard decision, because who wants their child to go through major surgery?  I prayed about it and God gave me the comfort I needed.  Derek was scheduled for surgery on August 4.  His scoliosis measured close to 78 degree angle.  There was one thing I remember when Derek woke up from surgery.  He was crying, but he said, “Momma, thank you so much for allowing me to go through this.  It does hurt now, but I don’t regret having surgery at all.”   Wow, what can a parent say to that?  After staying in the hospital for a week, my husband and I took Derek home and we walked him every day.  He did very well but I was so nervous, as a mom would be, for my son was going away to college in a few weeks.  I wanted Derek to stay home the first semester and then go to college.  But Derek assisted on going and said, “Mom, I am going to be fine, I have to be a man and I will be alright.”    Well, Dr. Hey, Derek is doing great!  It has been over a year and he is so confident in himself and still feels that the surgery was the best thing that happened to him!   My husband and I do too!

Now, after looking at my daughter I knew in my heart that her back was worse than Derek’s.    My husband and I didn’t want Kayla to be operated on because she was so young.  But Dr. Hey reassured us; the younger the patient, the faster the recovery.  Kayla was 13 years old when she was operated on by Dr. Hey.  Kayla’s scoliosis measured close to a 90 degree angle prior to surgery.    Kayla recovered a lot faster than Derek and she is doing great!    She loves to dance, sing and she wants to take another class in tennis!   We totally trust Dr. Hey and would recommend him to anyone.

Dr. Hey, as I mentioned earlier, words can not express how I feel but I am going to try…Thank you, thank you so much for being a true blessing in my kids life.  You are a blessing from the Lord. You do not know how much it meant when you prayed for my kids, our strength, your strength and the hands of your team before, during and after the surgery.   Every time we joined together as one and prayed, I knew in my heart our Heavenly Father was in there with you and your staff and that, gave me so much comfort.    Below is a personal thanks to each of you:

Dr. Hey- We love you and please continue to bless others through your gift- your prayers and hands.

Jenny – Thank you so much for being there for my kids especially Derek – you were always so patient and kind answering my questions and concerns. Thank you for everything.   

Brittany – Thank you so much for being there when I had so many questions for Kayla and her medicine- you were always on time and always made me feel good even when I may ask dumb questions, thank you for your care and kindness.   Thank you, for everything.

Shelbi, Meredith, Melissa, Jennifer, Tiffany, Tracy, Sue – You are a great team and always so cheerful! Thank you for coordinating the surgeries, appointments and billings and especially for your kindness!    You know the old saying, first impressions last forever and you have far exceeded that impressionJ

Love you with God’s love,

Darryl and Pamela B

Pamela and Darryl,
Thanks so much for this very encouraging note to all of us.  It means a lot.
Thanks for also allowing for us to share it with others through the blog.
Take care!

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

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