Sweet Home Alabama!

Late this afternoon and evening we strraightened up 23 yo Sara from
Alabama who had very painful and deforming 63 degree right thoracic
idiopathic adolescent scoliosis which has continued to progress as an

We got an awesome correction w surgical time of 4.5 hours. No blood
transfusions. She will go up to her private room where her new husband
and mom await!

Drew, our scoliosis surgery from this morning is doing well this
evening w his whole family in their large private room here at Duke
Raleigh Hospital, next to Hey Clinic.

A long but great day!

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

  1. Reply

    Thank you Dr. Hey for fixing our sweet Sara. We are all eternally greatful! I love you Sara. I can't wait to see you and your beautiful back! xoxo -Steph

  2. Reply

    Thank you Dr. Hey for fixing our sweet Sara. We are all eternally greatful! I love you Sara. You are so strong! Can't wait to see you and your beautiful back. 🙂 xoxo

  3. Reply

    Strong work Dr Hey! I've never thought Sara needed to be fixed but it looks like you expertly gave her the adjustment that she desperately needed. Princess Sara deserves nothing but the best this world has to offer and that most certainly includes you. She's finally found her Prince and you've given her the best wedding present possible. Maybe she can repay the favor and work for you when she becomes a nurse. Thank You. A million times, Thank You.


  4. Reply
    Julie Saint

    Thank you Dr. Hey for fixing my precious childs spine. God bless you and your family for the sacrifices you make. I will forever be in your debt. You are a special man that God has given to the world. Thank you for being there for my family and me. Thank you for changing my daughter's life forever. Thank you for Drew also. I will never forget you and how kind you are. God has blessed you so others can be blessed thru you.

  5. Reply

    Thank you Dr. Hey for taking care of my niece! This has been a very trying time for her and the family. From everything I have been told about their time since arriving, you have been absolutely amazing! You have gone above and beyond what was expected and we all thank you for that! The difference in Sara's spine is incredible. I pray that God will continue to use you in making a difference in people's lives. May he continue to bless you and your practice.

  6. Reply

    Thank you Dr. Hey! you are a savior! i greatly appreciate you fixing my sweet sweet cousin! shes my world and now she can enjoy walkin normally again! thank you so much!!

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