Pauline from West Virginia makes it home safely after surgery last week through the big snow! FW: God Blesses us all!

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Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 22:31:35 -0500
To: Lloyd Hey
Subject: God Blesses us all!

Dear Dr. Hey,
Hope you have had a chance to get some rest…we could see you were very tired after the scoli correction on Thursday.  I almost asked you to wait until next day to do my surgery.
I told my hubby that your leg must really be feeling the stress of Thursday morning with my surgery still to go.  I am so grateful to you and always will be thankful for all that you have done for me.  Words are inadequate to express my gratitude.
We made it home, finally, yesterday (Saturday) in late afternoon.  This was the longest drive we have ever had from NC to WV…from  10:30 a.m. on Friday (12/18) to Saturday (12/19) afternoon about 5:00 p.m.  The interstates were clogged with semi’s and stranded cars, tunnels were closed, the berms and medians were full of stranded vehicles.  We moved a distance of approximately 5 miles in 6 hours in an area just north of Wyethville, VA.  We finally could see lights (other than those of other vehicles just ahead and) to our left.  Following our noses for guidance, we found an all night Kangaroo (gasoline) station with a small convenience store open 24 hours.  There we got something to eat that was not very healthy but hot and tasted really good and was told by the employee that all hotels in the area for 20-mile radius or more was full and also the East River Tunnel that comes over into WV was closed as well.  We were stuck!  No place to rest after already being in the car for 12 hours!  The employee of the Kangaroo station told us we could spend the night on their lot, use their restrooms and stay as long as we needed.  And, we were only two people to whom she extended this welcome.  All of us were very grateful.  We filled the tank and our tummies and returned to our own personal "Hilton" better known as the Sebring with snow tracker tires (Michelin tires are the very best!) to retire for the night.  An hour or so later we needed something to help us relax so we could sleep, so I got a mocha w/o coffee or chocolate and Keith got coffee.  He said something hot would help and the coffee was hot..  Still no sleep.  After hours of this, we finally got a short nap and upon awakening found it was daylight!!!! of the next day – Saturday (12/19).  We went inside the convenience store to hear some new travelers tell of the East River Tunnel finally being open and with this bit of information, we determined that if the tunnel was open, then I-77 should be open, also.  So, we got something hot for breakfast, went to the restroom and freshened up as much as possible, and hit the road abourt 9 a.m.We left Bland, VA and headed north toward home with prayers in our pocket and expressing our thanks for a night like we had never, ever spent before in our entire lives.  We made the remainder of our journey home in eight hours which is longer than it takes for us to travel from our home in Wayne, WV to Raleigh, NC.  When folks along the way asked us about road conditions and offered their help because I was walking with great caution on slick sidewalks, wet floors, etc and I would say "no but thank you for offering." Then, of course, they would ask if I have a knee or hip problem and I told them I had just had back surgery on Thursday,
12/17, the look of disbelief on their faces was astounding.  They were so impressed.  I told them I travel many miles to see the very best doctor for my back and to have treatment in the very best hospital.  Anywhere!  I tolerated this entire experience really quite well, much better than I would have before having surgery on Thursday.  Before surgery, riding 15-20 minutes was about the limit before stopping for me to walk.  And, walking increased my pain. So, I was stuck between being uncomfortable to miserable…mostly miserable. Thank you, again, for extending yourself to give me relief.
I know this was a long note for you to take time to read, but this is how I feel about the hospital, you – my doctor, and God … to whom I give all the credit.
I hope you take time off for real-time, much needed rest and some great family time.  Give my thanks to your family for sharing time with one of your most grateful patients.  MERRY CHRISTMAS to all the Hey family and the Hey Clinic and their families.
Many blessings,
Wayne, WV

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