Three Friends who helped each other find help, who then encouraged me!

> On Friday afternoon, I was "whoop tired" after a very long week and
> several late nights doing spinal reconstructive surgery.
> As I went back to my desk, I found this framed picture sitting on my
> chair, which really brightened my whole week.
> I did major scoliosis surgery on Steve, on the far right, who did
> great.
> Steve got his pediatrician friend Charles to finally get his
> spondylolisthesis and spinal stenosis fixed.
> Charles then got his surgeon friend Terry to get his complex
> scoliosis fixed.
> The three of them then encouraged me by sending me this photo and
> encouraging note.
> Also, from this weekend I saw "Julie and Julia" about blogging and
> cooking. Great movie. Inspired me to pursue blog and writing more
> — it can be a real encouragement to many.
> Now I am about to start scoliosis surgery on a teenager — one of
> many we will be helping over next 3 weeks around vacation time!!
> Have a great day.
> Dr. Lloyd Hey
> Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

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