“Michigan Molly” Teenage Kyphosis Surgery update. FW: ? about Molly Ryan’s limitations

No problem with skiing!  Have fun!
Thanks for the great update.
Give our best to Molly and the whole family.
Dr. Hey
—— Forwarded Message
From: Lysanne
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2008 20:33:22 -0800 (PST)
To: Lloyd Hey
Subject: ? about Molly Ryan’s limitations

Hello all,

We hope you are all doing well down there.  We are freezing up here and the snow is falling and accumulating.

Which brings me to my question… Skiing.  Is this possible for Molly?  Her surgery for her 13 level fusion was July 17, 2008…to refresh your memories.  We are 4 months out right now.  Ski club forms need to be turned in and I am hesitant to pay for Molly as I am not confident it is safe for her yet.  We ususally start skiing around mid December.  She is an average downhill skier.  Doesn’t take risks or jump jumps or race.  But still… let me know about this, if you can.

She is doing marvelously!  Looks great, feels great!  And you would never know she had the surgery except for her "zipperback" scar.  We call her Zippy sometimes!

I have attached two photos of her from the first day of school in September and a photo of her lounging in Gull Lake, one month post op!  

Thank you,


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