FW: Thank you. Spending the time answering questions.

From: Frances
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2008 9:53 AM
To: Dr. Lloyd Hey
Subject: Thank you


Dear Dr. Hey,


I hope this finds you and your staff well.  I wanted to thank you for the time you spent with my husband and I. If you recall, my husband (with the fractured left knee cap) and I came to consult with you  on August 8.


I have been working in the medical field for nearly twenty years and it is rare to find a surgeon who is willing to spend an hour answering questions. Both my husband and I appreciate your time and compassion.


It is odd to say, but I am looking forward to having my kyphosis corrected and then will be able to FINALLY stand up straight and say goodbye to chronic low back pain. 


Thank you so much,



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