Alex back to school and golf two weeks after idiopathic scoliosis surgery. Parent Update.

Dear Dr. Hey
     Just wanted to say thank you once again for all your hard work and touch base on Alex’s progress. Alex just “drove” home from a “full” day of school. It is exactly 2 weeks post-op today (Tuesday April 8th) and our entire family continues to be amazed at his rapid recovery. Alex experiences no pain, is off all narcotics, back at the gym three times a week as well as putting and chipping! We are so thankful to you and your entire staff. Your confident, compassionate and caring attitude put us at ease immediately. You are truly a gifted surgeon that far surpassed any expectations we may have had. Alex is still in awe at the surgical video you made him! The new putter is awesome and is something we know Alex will always treasure. We sincerely wish you continued success!
Jill and Ray
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and S;pine Surgery

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