Early good word from grateful patient from South Carolina after revision lumbar surgery

Yesterday I received this note from a patient today, who had a failed microsurgery laminectomy performed elsewhere several months ago, and had severe postoperative pain and leg weakness.

A week ago yesterday, I performed a 2 level revision decompression and fusion, here at Duke Raleigh Hospital.
Intra-operatively, it was interesting to see that the amount of scar tissue in the area of the spine was actually larger than the skin incision.
Therefore, although surgery may look less invasive at the skin level, it is more important how successfully things can be fixed at the deeper spinal level.  
His one week report is below.

Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC  USA

Dear Dr. Hey,
Although it is premature for a full evaluation of my condition, I do want to thank you for allowing me to get the first several nights’ sleep I have had in almost a year!  What a blessing!  I have not had any of the “old” pain in my leg since the surgery. Of course I have pain from the surgery, but the pain medication keeps that to a minimum.  I am walking every day, and am getting stronger.  You have given me hope and an optimistic attitude about my situation.  
I also want to thank your staff for their kindness and efficiency.  You have an exceptional team!  They are all very professional, and couldn’t be more pleasant to work with.  We have found the “Surgery Education Manual” most helpful.  We refer to it often.
You had stated that I would be well taken care of at the hospital, and you were certainly correct about that.  Everyone there was terrific. I have never had better care (and from my medical records, you know I have been in several hospitals over the years).  The nurses were all very attentive and personable.
Thanks again, Dr. Hey.  I will keep you posted regarding future results of my healing, and hopefully in a few months, I’ll have a great report for your “testimonials.”  
Best regards,

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