A very big and loving support team for Sairah this morning before scoliosis surgery

Sairah is a teenager from Florida w a complex scoliosis and  congenital anomalies including cardiac, requiring previous heart surgery.
She knows Jasmine, also from Jacksonville FL who had scoliosis surgery here recently as well!  She actually went to see Jasmine recently and left comment on blog about Jasmine’s new shape and improved height.

When I came into Sairah’s preop room to see her this morning, I was overwhelmed by the crowd in the room!  Multiple family members were there, and her pastor and pastor’s wife. What an awesome loving support group!

We took this team picture together after their pastor led us all in awesome prayer holding hands in a circle. Sairah and her mom wanted me to share this on the blog for others in the expanded support community.

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

  1. Reply
    uncle hammy

    What a wonderful blessing and testimony! Thank you for taking such good care of Sairah and her family. [unclehammy]

  2. Reply

    What a great support group. Hodge family you also have all your friends in Jacksonville, FL, praying for you all.

  3. Reply
    Dominie Bush

    Sure was great to see this picture of Dr. Hey, Sairah, and the huge group of friends and family! God bless you all. We are keeping up our prayers for Sairah! – Dominie & Donnie

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