CeCe noticed the skin crease and prominent hip when she looked in the mirror.
Her back was also becoming painful.
Her Scoliometer showed a TL hump measuring more than 7 degrees.
X-Ray shows 41 degree thoraco-lumbar scoliosis with large trunk shift.
This afternoon, I corrected her curve with a T6-L3 Instrumentation and fusion.
Estimated Blood Loss (EBL) was 450 cc.
Surgical Time was 2 hours 15 minutes.
Spinal cord monitoring was normal.
Three discs below the fusion were spared.
She got an excellent correction, with excellent restoration of her coronal balance.
Her “hourglass” should be back when she gets up tomorrow.
Her dad is associate pastor locally, and his pastor partner led us in excellent prayer after surgery, while CeCe’s dad led us in powerful prayer before surgery.
Many answered prayers here today, including CeCe and her family making it here today from Washington DC, where their flight was delayed this morning!
Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC USA