All posts by Dr. Lloyd Hey

Can my Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Curve and Posture actually Improve With Schroth PSSE and modern Rigo-Cheneau Brace? EF Teen Story

I received the following letter from EF, one of our adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients we are treating here at our new expanded Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Care here in Raleigh, NC.  The patient and her mom gave permission to share her story with all of you.  We are seeing many success stories […]

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY AHMAD!! What do neurofibromatosis, scoliosis, burnout, patient safety and “flow” have to do with one another?

 After going to a wonderful Duke Patient Safety Conference last Thursday which discussed ways of avoiding and treating burnout, and also finding “flow” in your life, I’ve been inspired to start writing my blog more regularly again.  Dr. Shanafelt from Mayo Clinic shared that 45% of doctors and nurses are burned out, and that burnout […]

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What do early onset scoliosis (EOS) and adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients really think about scoliosis surgery and recovery? A brother and sister create their own interview video!

A few months ago, we had the opportunity to care for a brother and sister, Ava and Luca, who had progressive adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) and early onset scoliosis (EOS) — both of whom had rapidly progressive curves over 50 degrees and growing.   This morning I received an email from their parents that the […]

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Can my daughter dance freely after scoliosis surgery?

Ava is a 13 yo young lady from Long Island, NY who had scoliosis surgery along with her younger brother in November 2015 with Dr. Lloyd Hey (Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery), in Raleigh, NC.  Her mom Marisa shared a recent video of Ava at dance class, showing how freely she can move […]

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