All posts by Dr. Lloyd Hey

Outcomes after Scoliosis Surgery. Experience and the “Proof is in the Pudding”…. What do patients and families say after having adolescent or adult scoliosis, kyphosis or revision spinal surgery?

It’s been a good week and a good clinic today, and here are a bunch of patients we saw today, including a bunch of folks I didn’t photograph including some adolescents that we are treating in scoliosis braces or observing.  Distance furthest traveled to see us in clinic today was Kellie and her mom from […]

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How badly will I suffer if I consider having scoliosis surgery as an adult? Will I regret the decision, or will it help improve quality of life?

Whew, it has been super-busy around Hey Clinic the past several weeks, and I regret not having time to sit down to do some writing and sharing with all of you!  Thanksgiving was busy but wonderful, seeing some family, but also rounding each day at the hospital.  I received an email this evening from Lynwood, […]

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Fwd: My First 1/2 marathon

QUESTION:  CAN YOU / I GO BACK TO RUNNING AND AGGRESSIVE EXERCISE AS AN ADULT SCOLIOSIS SURGERY PATIENT?   ANSWER:  TALK TO MARCIA, AND READ HER BOOK! I just received this email from Marcia, who had scoliosis surgery with me a few years ago, and just finished writing her own book about her experience with […]

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Happy Thanksgiving at and from The Hey Clinic! Can you straighten out congenital scoliosis? Does it make sense to travel for scoliosis consultation? Can just parents meet with scoliosis doctor?

My staff surprised me today with a huge pot luck Thanksgiving lunch they had put together, including a home-made ginger-bread house made by “Pic” and SarahRuth.  I kept my meal very “low carb” today, taking only a short break to enjoy a piece of ham and turkey with cold diet Coke!  In this picture you […]

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