All posts by Dr. Lloyd Hey

Hey Clinic Wed Jan 22 afternoon surgery: 64 yo Virginia from Florida with adjacent level “failure” above fusion done 30+ years ago

Tuesday afternoon, we helped Virginia, who is a 64 yo woman, who came up to see us from Florida (near Sarasota), with severe back pain and trouble walking.  She had a previous L4-S1 noninstrumented fusion done 30+ years ago, and had done well for many years.  Over past few years, however, she developed increasing low […]

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Mon Jan 21 afternoon surgery: Revision surgery for broken rods in woman who had severe fall 10 months after scoliosis surgery. Developing better solutions for future scoliosis surgery through biomechanical research.

Monday afternoon we helped Mary, who I had corrected a huge scoliosis 10 months ago. She did very well until a month or so ago, when she took a very severe fall, falling down several stairs. She subsequently developed increasing back pain. Her X-Rays and CT confirm that she broke both of her rods near […]

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Mon Jan 21 Hey Clinic Surgery: 22 you Ashley with the 78 degree stiff R thoracic curve and pulmonary problems.

Monday, we helped a 22 yo young lady who had a 78 degree thoracic scoliosis, with some breathing difficulties secondary to decreased pulmonary capacity, exposure to her grandmother’s smoking, with chronic bronchitis, and possibly a mild cystic fibrosis condition.  She had known scoliosis as a teenager, but her parents did not arrange for ongoing follow-up […]

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