All posts by Dr. Lloyd Hey

15 yo young lady with 46 degree progressive painful thoracolumbar adolescent idiopathic scoliosis straightened up this morning

Olivia’s surgery went very well this morning.  Estimated blood loss 350 cc, 115 cc returned with cell saver.  Correction really nice in both sagittal and coronal plane, with her preop “hump” now gone. Surgical time was 3 hours and 10 minutes.Evoked potential monitoring normal. We have several postop scoliosis and other postop spine patients upstairs […]

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I just got a chance to put my feet up for a few minutes this evening and chill out a little.  We have family starting to gather for holiday weekend.   It’s been a good week, filled with lots of special people. Monday we straightened up a 22 yo young lady with a painful 49 […]

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