All posts by Dr. Lloyd Hey

38 yo w pars fracture (spondylolysis) and spondylolisthesis fixed this am. Early morning 3rd opinion for adolescent w possible pars fracture

Had severe back and leg pain and numbness. Fixed w Gill procedure laminectomy and L5-iliac wing instrumentation and fusion. Ebl 200 cc Surgical time 2 hr. Complications: none. This morning saw 15 yo cheer leader and her mom for third opinion.(following Duke second opinion) for low back pain and possible pars fracture. First surgeon from […]

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27 yo “Whole New Life” after Scoliosis Surgery

This past Friday I saw this 27 yo woman back for follow-up. She had a huge thoracolumbar curve preop, and had significant pain, and very severe posture / self image issues. She is now doing great, and told me that the scoliosis surgery has allowed her to start “a whole new life!” Here I am […]

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