All posts by Dr. Lloyd Hey

When should I get a scoliosis evaluation as an adult? Should I get up the courage to go and talk to someone about my scoliosis concerns?

My PA Rachel and I spent a good hour with Diana, who is now 70, but looks and acts more like someone in her 30’s or 40’s!  Diana had adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, and had upper curve fixed with non-instrumentated fusion, and postop casting in 1957, before the Harrington rod instrumentation was done commonly.  She spent […]

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Another interesting and busy week caring for kids, adolescents and adults with spinal deformity, spondylolysis, and spondlylolisthesis

All of us at Hey Clinic are catching our breath this holiday weekend after a good, but very busy weeek in the clinic and at the hospital caring for children as young as 4 years old, up through tons of teens with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, and adults with old adolescent scoliosis deformity now concerned about […]

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