All posts by Dr. Lloyd Hey

14 Yo young lady w 47 degree adolescent idiopathic scoliosis fixes this am

Team: PA Brittany, circulator nurse Kelly, motorcycle dan scrub, nurse fran scrub. Evoked potentials: Sarah. CRNA eydie, anesthesiologist Jon. Room aura: excellent. Surgical time: 2 hrs 45 min. Correction: excellentPReop curve: 47 degrees. Ebl: 250 cc. Cell saver returned: 100Blood transfused: none. Postop location: private room w family at duke raleigh hospital. A good morning. […]

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Today’s surgery: Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Yesterday’s surgery: Severe cervical myelopathy

This morning we straightened up Grace, a delightful 13 yo young lady from eastern North Carolina who had a 51 degree right thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). T5-L1 instrumentation and fusion with evoked potential monitoring. Surgical time:  2 hrs 20 minutes. EBL 375 cc Correction:  excellent. Complications:  none. Wow — what a difference from the […]

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