Back to Life Story After Kyphosis Surgery for woman in her 30’s/40’s with Dr. Hey, and riding roller coasters pain free!

From: Fr
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 20:28:05 -0400
To: Brittany , Lloyd Hey
Subject: Back to LIfe

Dear Dr. Hey, Brittany and Wonderful Hey Clinic Staff,

I have been meaning to share my "Back to LIfe Story" but life is busy and makes it hard to stop and and share, but yesterday was WONDERFUL and I wanted to drop a few lines.

As you both recall, my nearly 90 degree kyphosis was "straightened out" on October 30, 2008. Back in April 2008, I met with Brittany and decided it was time for move forward with surgery.  Even though I was experiencing almost daily low back pain, I wanted to wait until "Roller Coaster Season" was over. My family frequents Busch Gardens Williamsburg often and it was important to me to have time to spend "quality time" with my kids somewhere everyone enjoyed being.  Both Brittany and Dr. Hey assured me I would be able to resume roller coasters, but in the back of my mind, all I could picture was my tall, thin self feeling each and every one of my sixteen screws and two rods with each drop and inversion of my favorite coasters.

Yesterday, a little less than five months post op ( and with Brittany and Dr. Hey’s permission) I made the trip to Busch Gardens Williamsburg!  First, I should mention I no longer suffer for ANY low back pain. Since post op day one, the low back pain totally disappeared! I have driven hours and walked for miles and never once, has the low back pain ever returned.  It used to be a chore to drive more than two hours or walk for long distances.  Not only did I drive to Virginia and home on the same day with NO back pain, but I walked throughout Busch Gardens, inclines, steps and all, without needing to sit down or stop to rest.

Of course, the most wonderful part of the day was riding all five rollercoasters….pain free!!!  The little things, like my shoulders actually upright against the seats ( not curved forward and hitting the seat harnesses), and being able to place my low back against the seat backs….it was amazing!  I realize this may sound trivial to someone who has a normal spine, but to others, like myself, who have always been told to "stand up straight" or catch a glance of yourself from the side to only see your spine looking more and more like a question mark sign, standing tall and straight is often a long journey.  

Again, thanks to you both, as well as each and every Hey Clinic Staff member. It’s important to me other women in the thirty and forty somethings not to shy away from correcting scoliosis or kyphosis. I will be the first to admit, spinal fusion and instrumentation is a HUGE surgery.  My recovery was difficult at times but you work though those moments.  Once I was home, I didn’t need narcotics ( which amazed all my friends and relatives). The day I was discharged from DHRH, I was walking short distances and then driving about two and a half weeks post op. I even returned to work full-time  four and a half weeks post op! My patients were impressed I was back so soon and standing about one and a half inches taller. I have happily recommended the Hey Clinic to many of my patients.

I have attached a few pictures from my trip to Busch Gardens. One pictures is of me standing in front of my favorite coaster, Griffon. My daughter and I had just left the coaster and I was so excited to tell her the two minute ride was pain free! If you look closely, you can see the train holding for five seconds before the brake releases and the train "dives" down ninety degrees and reaches seventy miles per hour. It was incredible to know the forces I experienced yet, there was no back pain!!!  The second picture  shows the other coasters and hopefully, the different forces of each one. It’s so important for me to share with other kyphosis patients what a great day it was!

Thanks again for everything!!! If any of your patients should ever question post op limitations or have ANY questions about surgery, please feel free to share my email.  

With much gratitude,


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Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS

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