
Degenerative scoliosis collapse in 41 yo woman w old Harrington rod adolescent idiopathic scoliosis fusion years ago — fixed today.

T12-iliac wing instrum and fusion w multilevel lumbar osteotomies. She did well, and will be going to ortho floor to be w her husband. Up and around tomorrow. It is a little unusual for scoliosis t collapse below fusions down to L1, but it still can happen. More modern instrumentation combined w earlier intervention can […]

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Scoliosis Research Society (SRS)

I just arrived for our annual SRS meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Will be here for the next several days. SRS has been around since 1966, and is a wonderful community of scoliosis / spinal deformity surgeons from around the world committed to improving care through research and learning together. Several of my mentors, including […]

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“Back to My Old Self” standing 3 inches taller today, taller than his wife again less than 24 hours after flat back surgery correction.

I stopped by to see Erik and his wife from Kentucky this afternoon in their private hospital room here at Duke Raleigh Hospital, where he has been since being transferred from PACU yesterday afternoon (no ICU needed).   Yesterday,  I performed the flat back syndrome anterior/posterior (A/P)  reconstruction for him, and I wanted to see how […]

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