
Taking a break in Padova

We finished off a very busy week at Hey Clinic on Friday, and now I am off to Italy w family for a little vacation to recharge the batteries. This is the view this morning from our room in Padova, Italy, which is outside Venice. This is a college town, where Galileo taught. We are […]

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Kaity gets to travel and dance after scoliosis surgery

I saw Kaity and her parents back a few months after her adolescent scoliosis surgery. She looks great and told me about her Costa Rica trip she was able to go on a few weeks after surgery, and her dance competition, which went well.She gave me this beauiful book mark from Costa Rica w a […]

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18 yo lady w right adolescent idiopathic scoliosis fixed this morning

T5-T12 instrumentation and fusion Surgical time 2 h 20 min EBL: 450 Complications: none. Correction: excellent Blood transfused: none. The lower curve, which was fairlly large preop corrected and derotated very well on bending films, allowing me to do shorter fusion. Morning rounds this morning: I asked young lady who had her surgery yesterday how […]

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