
12 yo girl w long 43 degree scoliosis fixed this morning.

Severely out of balance preop. T5-L3 instrumentation. Surgical time: 2 hour 15 min. EBL:  500 cc Cell saver: 225 cc. Blood transfused:  none. Correction: 90+ percent. Our 14 yo from Indiana who had kyphosis surgery last friday is in the air now flying home from RDU. She did great with another 2+ inches in height […]

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Today’s Hey Clinic surgery: 14 yo young lady with 81 degree Scheuermann’s Kyphosis now quite straight

Surgery: T3-L2 nstrumentation and fusion with 4 posterior Smith-Peterson Osteotomies. Surgical time: 4 h 50 min. Estimated Blood loss: 1000 cc Blood transfused: none. Correction: excellent Room Aura: excellent. Radio Station: john mayer mix on pandora ( nurse kelly sang along!) Postop guest location: recovery room to large private room w 2 beds. Dr. Lloyd […]

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