
Mon Jan 21 Hey Clinic Surgery: 22 you Ashley with the 78 degree stiff R thoracic curve and pulmonary problems.

Monday, we helped a 22 yo young lady who had a 78 degree thoracic scoliosis, with some breathing difficulties secondary to decreased pulmonary capacity, exposure to her grandmother’s smoking, with chronic bronchitis, and possibly a mild cystic fibrosis condition.  She had known scoliosis as a teenager, but her parents did not arrange for ongoing follow-up […]

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Dr. Hey Discusses Revision Extension Instrumentation and Fusion with young woman who had motion-sparing Dynesys Instrumentation below Harrington Rod

Motion-sparing spinal surgery, using things like the Dynesys system have become somewhat popular with some patients and physicians.This young woman had a Dynesys system put in her lumbosacral spine done elsewhere, below a previous Harrington Rod instrumentation and fusion. She did not get any relief, and now her pain is much worse.She has failed conservative […]

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Hey Clinic Successful Adult Scoliosis Surgery Interview

We saw this woman back for follow-up on Friday who had a complex kyphoscoliosis reconstruction that we performed several months ago.Her posture now is excellent, and quality of life restored.She tells her story briefly via video. Lloyd A. Hey, MD MSHey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

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