
Hey Clinic Surgery Nov 21: 54 yo woman sp Harrington Rod fusion years ago with kyphosis above and below fusion with stenosis: Anterior/Posterior Reconstruction with Osteotomies

Yesterday we performed a complex anterior L45, L5S1 cage instrumentation and fusion followed immediately by posterior T3-Iliac wing instrumentation and fusion with multilevel posterior thoracic osteotomies, lumbar osteotomies, lumbar laminectomies, and removal of old Harrington Rods for this 54 yo woman from Florida who had severe deformity, and sever pain, on high dose morphine preoperatively. […]

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“A Stitch In Time Saves 9”: Why adult as well as adolescent patients should be followed regularly for evidence of scoliosis and kyphosis progression

This past week, as always,  we saw several younger and older adult patients with scoliosis, as well as adolescents and younger children with scoliosis. There were a couple of adult patients, however, that were quite memorable. This patient pictured above had a Harrington Rod fusion done many years ago, and did very well until about […]

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78 degree scoliosis surgical correction in 60 yo nurse practioner: Hey Clinic Surgery Nov 13 2007. Jac’s 2nd Anniversary w/ Hey Clinic

Today we helped a 60 yo nurse with severe progressive thoracolumbar scoliosis which has increased to 78 degrees recently with severe pain. Procedure:  T4-Iliac wing instrumentation and fusion with L1-5 laminectomy, L3 L4 osteotomies, L5S1 TLIF. Her surgery took approximately 6 hours skin to skin. Bone quality: excellent. Estimated Blood loss 1800 cc Cell Saver […]

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