
More Patient And Family Stories from this past week

As promised, here are some more patient stories that have recently been shared at Hey Clinic. Ashlee is an adolescent who had scoliosis surgery for her idiopathic thoracolumbar curve 6 weeks ago with Dr. Hey, and is doing well.  She shares how she is already getting back into her drama with tryouts for the Wizard […]

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Week of Aug 25 2013 Hey Clinic Scoliosis Round Up at Hey Clinic and Duke Raleigh Hospital and WakeMed Children’s Hospital

We started off  the week of August 25 at WakeMed Hospital helping little 11 yo Kaitlyn, who has spinal muscle atrophy (SMA), and a nearly 90 degree progressive scoliosis treated elsewhere with VEPTR.  We got her straightened up with some unique engineering using special sublaminar fixation, since her osteoporosis / bone strength was very weak. […]

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