
Greetings to Olivia’s Grandma in Buffalo…. and this week in review

 I wanted to start of today’s blog with a special “hello” to Olivia’s grandma in Buffalo, NY.  Olivia had her adolescent idiopathic scoliosis fixed with us for her double curve back about 6 weeks ago, and is doing extremely well!  Her grandma also has scoliosis and kyphosis, and has followed Olivia’s surgery and recovery closely. […]

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Mom of college athlete who had scoliosis surgery shares her story.

At age nine, Sabrina was diagnosed with idiopathic scoliosis with a twenty degree double curvature; meaning, her spine was S-shaped due to a thoracic curve and a lumbar curve jutted in opposite directions. For a year she only had x-rays every few months to monitor the curvature as she grew. At age ten, it increased to twenty-eight degrees, so she was […]

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