
31 yo woman w severe kyohoscoliosis fixed this am

This 31 yo woman came up from Charleston, SC with her husband and mom. Charleston is a beautiful city, about 5 hours away by car. Today’s surgery: T2-L2 INSTRUMENTATION AND FUSIONEBL 650 CCCOMPLICATIONS: NONE. Mom and husband Kevin were blown away by how great the post-reduction x-ray looked compared to her severe kypho-scoliosis preop. GREAT […]

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Woman and daughter drop in to Hey Clinic yesterday 15 years after complex cervico-thoracic kyphoscoliosis surgery to say “thanks”

Kathleen, now 89 years old, and her daughter literally dropped into our clinic late yesterday afternoon. She lives many hours away from Hey Clinic, but was visiting an ophthalmologist in Cary to have eye surgery. She was telling the surgeon there about me and the surgery I performed for her years ago. She then told […]

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Friend of adult scoliosis patient shares her story

———- Forwarded message ———- From: "Robin Date: Jan 17, 2012 11:07 AM Subject: testimonial To: "Lloyd. Hey" Dear Dr. Hey,  When I assisted my dear 79 year-old friend for her first appointment at the Hey Clinic, I had no idea what to expect. I had always thought  of back surgery as dangerous and an operation […]

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