
18 yo young lady w painful thoracolumbar scoliosis fixed this afternoon.

Preop curve 32 degrees. Severe low back pain, failed conservative therapy including brace, physical therapy and medications. Fixed today T10-L3.Surgical time: 2 hrs 27 minutes.Complications. None.Ebl: 440 cc.Blood transfused: none.Correction: excellent.The skin crease she had under r rib cage was gone by end of surgery. Dr. Lloyd HeyHey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery.

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17 yo Brittany gets way straight this am

Vacation is officially over. Had good break and great Fathers Day.This am we straightened up Brittany who was 60 degrees preop w her thoracolumbar curve e a huge trunk shift.Not any more! T5-L3 instrumentation and fusion.Ebl: 450 cc.Blood transfused: none.Complications: none.Correction: 100%.Surgical time: 2 hrs 30 min. It is good to be back w our […]

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