All Posts in Category: Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

Some of our Most Recent Post-op Visitors & Thank You Notes

Hannah: “I’m from Greenville, North Carolina, and it has been a year since my scoliosis surgery. It’s helped me walk better. It’s improved my dance and volleyball, and I want to thank all of you for help during surgery and for helping me to get back to recovery. Thank you! Hannah’s mom: “Thank you Dr. […]

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“THIS IS MY BACK!!!” : Jillian, 5 years after getting her 60+ degree scoliosis fixed as young adult takes her new posture to a new level!

One of the benefits people often comment on after kyphosis and scoliosis surgery is the big improvement to their posture, which helps improve self-image. This past week, I received this nice note from one of my postop scoliosis young ladies, who is doctor of physical therapy, who is now five years out from her scoliosis […]

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Kaity gets to travel and dance after scoliosis surgery

I saw Kaity and her parents back a few months after her adolescent scoliosis surgery. She looks great and told me about her Costa Rica trip she was able to go on a few weeks after surgery, and her dance competition, which went well.She gave me this beauiful book mark from Costa Rica w a […]

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