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15 yo young lady w double (adolescent idiopathic scoliosis) AIS curve ans seizure disorder straightened up today!!

Surgery: T5-L3 instrumentation and fusion Surgical time: 3 hour 15 min. Complications: none. Correction: excellent. Near 100 per cent. One of the big benefits of fixing scoliosis with curves in 40’s rather than 60"’s or 70’s or 80’s is that we can usually get a better final correction, especially in the younger and more flexible […]

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Degenerative scoliosis collapse in 41 yo woman w old Harrington rod adolescent idiopathic scoliosis fusion years ago — fixed today.

T12-iliac wing instrum and fusion w multilevel lumbar osteotomies. She did well, and will be going to ortho floor to be w her husband. Up and around tomorrow. It is a little unusual for scoliosis t collapse below fusions down to L1, but it still can happen. More modern instrumentation combined w earlier intervention can […]

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Scoliosis Research Society (SRS)

I just arrived for our annual SRS meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Will be here for the next several days. SRS has been around since 1966, and is a wonderful community of scoliosis / spinal deformity surgeons from around the world committed to improving care through research and learning together. Several of my mentors, including […]

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