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Word for the day: “Beautiful”

This morning on rounds our 27 yo scoliosis surgery guest who had surgery Monday was walking out of rest room on her own. Her hair was a bit messy, but she told me she was thrilled, because her posture is now "beautiful".  She is going home today, and actually get her hair and total body […]

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Picture of us hard at work straighteningup big kyphosis this afternoon!!!

9 segment revision kyphoscoliosis surgery this morning, and 14 segment revision exrension instrumentation and fusion this afternoon with thoracic osteotomy. (23 segments for the day, 0840-1740, w a nice lunch w summer interns, and 3 clinic patients in between!).  Both surgeries obtained  excellent corrections w surgical times in the 2.5-3.75 hour range. Dr. Lloyd Hey […]

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70 yo woman from New Hampshire with T12 and L1 fracture at top of old scoliosis fusion fixed this morning.

Pt had huge coughing episode 3 onths after her scoliosis surgery and fractured T12 and L1 w osteoporosis in her spine. She then had severe progressive pain. Surgery:T11-Iliac wing revision extension instumentation and fusion w L1 laminectomy, Bone Morphogenic Protein, (BMP). Surgical time: 2 hour 20 minutes EBL (blood loss): 850 cc Cell saver returned: […]

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