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Answering question regarding 14 yo runner having scoliosis surgery

I received this comment/question this evening on my Blog: “I just received information regarding my 14-yo child’s scoliosis.  She is possibly facing surgery for a 53-degree curve. She is an avid runner, logging almost 30 miles per week.  She is highly concerned that if she goes through with the surgical intervention that her running will […]

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History of Scoliosis Treatment 3000 BC until now. Katie O’Kelly, Hey Clinic Summer Intern

Yesterday at our weekly Hey Clinic Quality Conference with the Duke Raleigh Hospital staff, Katie O’Kelly gave a great talk on the history of scoliosis treatment.  Below she gives a summary of her talk, with some of her slides also shown. Great job, Katie! Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS ——————————————— History of Scoliosis Treatment: […]

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