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Can you be physically active and run and play sports after fusion surgery for spondylolisthesis or scoliosis?

The short answer is “yes.” In some cases, such as the adolescent with R thoracic curve correction with pedicle screw instrumentation, kids and young adults can go back to very active sporting activities very rapidly, often within first 2-4 weeks.  We have had high-performance swimmers back to diving and swimming within 2 weeks of scoliosis […]

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Does Scoliosis Ever Get Better On It’s Own?

Last week we saw Olivia, a delightful 5 yo young girl for follow-up for her scoliosis. She was sent to us 4 months ago with a scoliometer reading of over 7 degrees. Her X-Rays in our office, measured very accurately on our digital scoliosis X-Ray system showed a 28 degree scoliosis 4 months ago. This […]

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16 yo with painful idiopathic scoliosis, fixed yesterday

Yesterday we helped a 16 yo young lady named Sammantha who had a painful idiopathic scoliosis. Her lumbar had a large compensatory curve, that was fortunately not rotated and was very flexible. I was able to get an excellent correction, nearly 100%, and her rib hump is gone. Her estimated blood loss was 500 cc […]

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Kyphosis older and younger!

This past week I saw 2 of my severe kyphosis repair patients back for follow-up. The younger one is 9, named Zachary, who had a 90+ degree kyphosis secondary to multiple thoracic fractures, and severe cerebral palsy secondary to shaken baby syndrome.  He now is able to sit upright in his wheelchair, and actually function […]

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