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Maggie’s amazing height change after “Hey-U-Rod” Surgery

Got a whole bunch of happy pictures back from Maggie and her family this weekend, including this photo showing 8 yo Maggie showing off her new posture and 2 inch height gain after her revision kyphoscoliosis surgery! She has severe osteoporosis, and developed kyphosis after Shilla Procedure, which I fixed using a new technique to […]

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38 yo w pars fracture (spondylolysis) and spondylolisthesis fixed this am. Early morning 3rd opinion for adolescent w possible pars fracture

Had severe back and leg pain and numbness. Fixed w Gill procedure laminectomy and L5-iliac wing instrumentation and fusion. Ebl 200 cc Surgical time 2 hr. Complications: none. This morning saw 15 yo cheer leader and her mom for third opinion.(following Duke second opinion) for low back pain and possible pars fracture. First surgeon from […]

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