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Presto Chango!

This is the "after" xray from this morning. Surgical time: 2 hrs 45 min. Complications: none. T11-ilia wing instrumentation and fusion w osteotomies and laminectomies. Excellent correction of lordosis and scoliosis. Ebl: 600 ccBlood transfused: none. Good Monday morning!! Dr. Lloyd HeyHey Clinic

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TwistedSister Wins first Hey Clinic Clinical Puzzle!!

Well, ladies and gentleman, we have our first winner of the Hey Clinic Challenge Question. Yesterday we received this answer from “TwistedSister” via the Hey Clinic Blog: “I suspect that her neck pain may be attributed to her trying to hold her neck in a normal vertically straight upright position. Thus, her neck musculature is […]

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The first Hey Clinic Clinical Puzzle.. 2 matching curves.

Earlier today, I saw this woman who drove up from Alabama to see us for asecond opinion for her severe scoliosis with large trunk shift.Surprisingly, her pain is primarily in her neck. Question: Why is she having neck pain, when her obvious problem is in herthoroaculumbar spine? I welcome suggested answers via comments.First correct answer […]

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