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Does scoliosis surgery really help teenagers and adults to feel better about themselves and their posture, and ensure better quality of life?

We had great clinic yesterday, with lots of thankful 6 week postop visits from our pre-Christmas scoliosis “blitz” we had.  It was so great to see so many precious teens and their parents back for follow-up with kids back to school, looking great and feeling great.  We’ve also done a bunch of revision scoliosis and […]

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Can realignment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis actually help prevent and/or reverse disc damage to lower lumbar discs?

For my last 19+ years of practice at both Duke Medical Center, and Hey Clinic, I have had a lot of experience caring caring for the full age spectrum of scoliosis, from 3yo congenital scoliosis, early onset scoliosis AIS, Scheuermann’s kyphosis and adult deformity.   This “natural history” experience has given me long-range insight on […]

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