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Emily now 6 years after scoliosis fusion surgery with no pain during first pregnancy! Some advice for scoliosis and kyphosis with pregnancy, with or without surgery.

One of the questions I address quite often is the issue of pregnancy with our without scoliosis surgery.   In this email I received yesterday, one of my young adult surgery guests who had her scoliosis fusion done 6 years ago shares how well she is doing during her first pregnancy. If you have had […]

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FW: Tips for 2010/grateful patient

I received this very encouraging email late in the day yesterday, from Sandra, a nurse practitioner who had surgery with us back in November, with a revision decompression and lumbo-sacral-iliac wing instrumentation and fusion.  She was quite debilitated preop, having trouble working and getting through the day.  Now she is doing much better, as she […]

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Another update from one of my longer-term mentorees

Several years ago when I was on faculty at "Big Duke" in orthopaedics andspine surgery, I also ran a clinical research and innovation lab called the"Center for Clinical Effectiveness."Ronnie joined my lab as a college grad with desire to go to medical school.He had faced many trials during college which definitely set him back, andmade […]

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