Christmas gift from Lexi’s family from Maryland

Last week I received this wonderful Christmas gift from Lexi’s parents, Mark and Michelle from Maryland. I did Lexi’s kyphosis surgery last year, and she has been able to return to high performance sports within the first few months after surgery.

In this beautifully framed collection of three photos, we see Lexi swimming, running track / cross-country, and playing lacrosse! All awesome pictures — Michelle is gifted sports photographer.

They sent it along with a Christmas card which said:

“The pictures in the frame were all taken within six months post-surgery!! She is doing great both in school and on the field. God bless you and your family and your staff. — Mark and Michelle”

Mark and Michelle — Thank you for this very thoughtful gift. I love to hang up pictures like this in the clinic to remind all of us how restoring proper alignment and stability not only can allow a stable posture, but can allow people to return to the things they love to do.

I know one of the worries / concerns Lexi and her family had before her adolescent kyphosis surgery was how long she would be out of sports. We start getting most adolescents back into their sports training within the first few weeks after kyphosis and scoliosis surgery. We even have some physical therapists who focus on spinal deformity and work with your local trainers and / or physical therapists if needed to help design a postop program. One of these therapists, Rob Wiese, from Duke Raleigh Hospital, just recently helped one of my postop kyphosis patients from Tokyo Japan —– Rob taught him special exercises with 2-way Skype Video!!

Thanks again Lexi, Mark and Michelle for your special gift. We look forward to see Lexi’s academic/career as well as athletic life continue to grow and prosper! Keep the pictures coming.

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

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