Encouraging story on NPR about prayer and teamwork at the hospital.

I heard this heart-warming story on NPR this morning, and found it really encouraging to hear about a woman who worked for 40 years in the surgical instrument room who would pray for each patient who would be needing those surgical instruments that day.  She understood that she played a crucial role on the overall team for the care of each patient, and that her gifts were being used to help bring healing.

Indeed, it takes a team effort to deliver highly effective care and for healing to occur.
Prayer is also something that is very important to many of our patients and families and team members.
This morning I saw a retired physician from Wilmington, NC who is considering spinal surgery.  He asked me if I pray with patients, and I told him that is something we do gently offer to patients and families who are interested.  
Take a listen to this NPR story, and let’s all remember to thank even the members of the team who are not always directly helping at the point of care.  It takes the full team, both behind the scenes and “on-stage” to make it work.

Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC USA

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