Exerpt from Sarabeth’s Blog regarding her adolescent Scoliosis Surgery

Sarabeth’s mom shared with me Friday her Blog at http://sarabeth13.wordpress.com.

Here is an excerpt from just a week or so ago.
Thursday August 21st (written by Mommy)

August 21, 2008 by sarabeth13

Well we are finally home and Sarabeth is continually getting better.  Let me start by saying that her surgery was a huge success and all went well. Dr. Hey and Jaquelyn were great! She did fine with anesthesia and truly seemed calm the entire time in pre-op. Dr. Hey’s staff provided us with updates through out the surgery time which meant more then he probably knows. Pastor Tony and Tori came up and stayed with our family until he was able to pray with her in post-op. I was having a tough time just realizing all my precious daughter was going through and it helped to have them there to talk with. Pastor Tony has a huge heart for the Lord and it is always showing! Mr. Bradd (our youth leader) called and prayed with her before going into surgery. Aunt Cathy, Chris, Matt, NaNa, Jordan, me and her dad, Pastor Tony, and Tori were all there waiting for her. Immediately after Dr. Hey came out and met with all of us and showed us the x-rays. Its amazing she is STRAIGHT! Praise be to God for guiding Dr Hey’s hands and for Dr. Hey’s ability and desire to help Sarabeth and those like her. Pastor Tony and I was able to go and be with her in recovery  but I quickly learned it wasn’t the best place for me to be and I couldn’t handle seeing my baby in so much pain. Sp Colby went back for a bit then swapped and Cathy stayed with her until she came up to her room. She was glad to see anyone and everyone. She wanted a hug and to touch each of us. She asked all staff there names and told them hers. She could see two of everyone and things she tried to read were very blurry.  She told Cathy there were two of her and Cat Cat said that would be bad wouldn’t it and she said no and smiled her first smile! D-daddy (my dad) came with Mike and Hunter to see her. He brought her a card and flowers and that made her smile. Mike and Hunter brought her a card and balloons. Cathy and the boys brought her balloons, a singing card, a pretty bracelet, and a cool bookmark. She also got flowers from our friends Lorrie, Kayla, and kay from VA. Her Aunt Carey and Uncle Jamie sent a blanket, a pen, a word search book, flowers and a cool horse stuffed animal that she hung on to. The nurse who did her pre-op really liked her a lot and gave her a Duke stuffed bear whom she named Duke. Pastor Tony and Tori came back up to visit in the afternoon and were glad to see them again. Then on Wednesday Mrs. Jewel, Tori, and Jordan gave us a pleasant surprise visit and brought a balloon and lots of candy for when she feels better. Monday she mostly rested and pushed her Morphine pump. Tuesday she had about the same kind of day with some visitors. She fell asleep about 4:45 p.m. and slept through her 5pm dose. She woke up about 7:15 p.m. in extreme pain. She finally got some relief @ 7:55 due to shift change and was just about out of her skin in pain. The rest of the evening went as well as could be expected because I set my alarm for her to receive her meds every four hours so that would not happen again. Wednesday we were preparing to go home and she was struck with severe pain again however this time it was in her stomach. She said her back didn’t hurt at all but her stomach was killing her. From 11 am on the nurses tried everything they could think of to help her and nothing worked. From 10 pm through 5 am this morning we rolled her from side to side trying to wake her bowels and help with the gas and constipation. This morning she woke to see Dr. Hey and Jacquelyn and was feeling so much better. We left the hospital around 10:30 and came home. She was excited to see her family, Tori and her children, and her pets. She is resting now and in good spirits. We are so thankful to God for being with us during this entire experience. We are also thankful for his care, love, and presence throughout the whole experience. God is the Great Physcian and we all have proof of that through Sarabeth. Thank you also to all of you for loving her, praying for her, being there for her, and us. We love you all and will try to update you as often as we can.


P_____ Family

Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC  USA

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