Friend of adult scoliosis patient shares her story

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From: "Robin
Date: Jan 17, 2012 11:07 AM
Subject: testimonial
To: "Lloyd. Hey"

Dear Dr. Hey,

 When I assisted my dear 79 year-old friend for her first appointment at the Hey Clinic, I had no idea what to expect.

I had always thought  of back surgery as dangerous and an operation that yielded minor results.

 Upon watching you explain how you intended to straighten her spine and give her the option of living pain-free, I was amazed.

You seem to know backs better than you know your own name.  I left confident that you may very well be the best spine surgeon in the country.

 When I brought my friend Birgit for her surgery, I was almost dumbstruck by the care and detail that was given her.  After she was rolled into

the operating room and before I got home, your nurse called to inform me that Birgit was relaxed and surgery was to begin.

 Throughout her surgery, I received a call every hour and that was a comfort and relief.  It was wonderful to hear your voice while Birgit was in recovery teling me that she did well and should be walking by late afternoon.

 I appreciate how well you and your staff took care of my dear friend and can report that she is taller, her face is free from the pain

she dealt with every day and she is visibly happier.  The results of her surgery and the blessing of your gift have given Birgit a new quality of life and we both, are forever thankful.

 I will never forget how we held hands and prayed for all involved in her surgery, that it would go well with God’s guidance.  I have never ever experienced that in any hospital or before any surgery. 

 You are truly amazing and anyone who needs competent, faithful and expert spinal care, should consider you first and foremost.

 Thank you so very much,

Robin . CEO and Founder

McDavid Public Relations and MPG, LLC

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