FW: Four Years!!! Adult Scoliosis follow-up email

From: Lynn

Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 11:06 AM
To: Dr. Lloyd Hey
Subject: Four Years!!!



Hi Dr. Hey!


Well, can you believe I am going to be celebrating my “Hey Day” number four this Sunday? My back is doing wonderfully well, allowing me to walk and workout and do yoga and just about every thing this 55 year old body wants to – without any pain. And every single day for the last four years I think of you at least once, and how very lucky I am to have found you. I’ve decided I’m going to have a bumper sticker made for myself that says “I Love Lloyd!”.


Hope all is well in your world. Please know how much I appreciate you Dr. Hey.


All the best,

Lynn W_________________

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