Fwd: Adult Kyphosis Grateful Patient

From: Frances
Date: November 11, 2008 7:03:44 PM EST
To: Dr. Hey
Subject: Frances

Dear Dr. Hey,

If you recall, you corrected my nearly 90 kyphosis to a normal 4o degree curve on 10-30-08. I am now about 12 days post op and for the most part feeling quite well. I finally got to really take in my new ( and might I add totally awesome posture) and am both amazed by your skill and greatful to God for leading me into your gifted hands.

It’s hard to thank you for such a wonderful gift of healing and there are no words to express my gratitude. Your staff is wonderful and a Brittany is a wonderfull PA and asset to your practice. Brittany has taken the time to calm my frayed nerves and reminded me what a huge procedure my body is healing from and all I need is time.

Thanks again for this life changiing surgery! If you took any photos, I would love to see them. In all my nerves prior to my surgery, I forgot to ask for some pics. The twenty years of medical assisiting have peaked my interest in how the surgery actually looked.

Also, please let your premed student know she can call or email me with any questions. Once I can get into a bathing suit, I will send a pic of my new, great posture.

With Deepest Gratitude,


Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC USA
Member, Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) http://www.srs.org

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