Haiti. The Pharmacy. Mission. Making a dent?

We are just finishing our third full day of clinic here in Haiti. My son and I are here with 13 others volunteering this week.
The people are wonderful, and the team is working well together.
I have seen just a couple of spinal deformity patients, but have stayed very busy helping out w general ortho, pediatrics, medicine and simple gyn.

Saw a woman who was shot 3 months ago w bullet still behind shoulder blade, lots of sick young kids w diarrhea or ear infections or worms. Lots of adults w diabetes and hypertension and a need for glasses.

Many have irritated eyes from the dust that is everywhere, and smoke.

We have seen 629 patients total w over 200 per day the last couple days.

My son said he was "out of his comfort zone" the first night.

I don’t think he is alone. Include me for one.

Its good to get out of your comfort zone sometimes to serve in different ways with different people in new places.

There is much need here in Haiti, as in many other places in the world.

It sometimes feels like you can hardly make a dent, driving around the crowded bumpy streets. But when a patient, young or old, squeezes my hand and smiles as they get up to leave for pharmacy, and says "Merci", then we can measure change in one precious life at a time.

Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS

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