Hey Clinic Feb 25 Surgery: Bob with Degenerative Scoliosis and Stenosis and Todd with L45 disc herniation for microdiscectomy

Yesterday we helped Bob, who had a degenerative scoliosis, spondylolisthesis and spinal stenosis.
He is now doing great, postoperative day 1.
His son is out in Seattle, and I wanted to send special greetings to you.
This Blog is for you!

In the afternoon, we helped Todd, who is a 29 yo gentleman with a several month history of severe left leg pain.
His MRI shows a large L45 disc herniation.
I performed microsurgery for him yesterday afternoon and removed a huge disc fragment.
His L5 nerve root looked like it got a huge instantaneous “AHHHH” relief.
Surgery was 40 minutes.
In the recovery room an hour later, Todd’s leg pain was gone.
He went home this morning a happy camper, getting ready for wedding 3 weeks from now in Arizona.
Best wishes, Todd on your marriage and your healing!

Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC  USA

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