How Does Dr. Hey Place Hardware into a Patient’s Back?

Leslie joined us at the Hey Clinic today for his 6 month post-op visit. In 2013, he had a partial removal of hardware and T11- iliac wing revision extension instrumentation and fusion surgery. During the visit, Leslie asked how Dr. Hey actually did his surgery, prompting Dr. Hey to pull out several spine and hardware models for a closer look.
They discussed how and where his screws are placed in the pedicle hole in the spine, and about how Dr. Hey calculated the angles the screws should be placed at. Furthermore, Leslie inquired about the rods and the special tools Dr. Hey used to contour the rods in the surgical room, in order to achieve the proper sway.
We hope this video will help anyone with similar questions to Leslie’s!
Below are Leslie’s x-rays, so that you may get a better look at his hardware placement.

Leslie gave us permission to use this video and his x-rays on the Hey Clinic blog.

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